• The Small Extension that Had a Huge Impact

While some people might live by the mantra that ‘bigger is better’, we like to say that small can be spectacular and when you’ve taken a look at today’s project, we think you’ll agree with us.

London Building Renovation really threw themselves into this extension, taking the time to even focus on the small details. There is a particular type of brick used in this area and it is often confused with a readily available brick called Common. We have found a much better match for this brick, which we keep a closely-guarded secret! The end result is that the match is nearly imperceptible and the brickwork on the extension blends with the rest of the house. Large bi-fold doors were fitted and a full underfloor heating system under the rustic thick terracotta floor. The floor was something we were particularly proud of and we came up with a traditional border design and then hand-cut all the terracotta tiles.

When the contracting team is happy to reveal how proud they are of their work, you know something beautiful and client-specific has been created. While this is by no means an enormous extension, what it offers in terms of cosy and comfortable living spaceis immeasurable.

You might find that this is the final push you need to take on a terrace extension of your own so sit back and enjoy!

Read the full article here

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